As anticipated, we had a great night last night with a lively game of BS and Tourette’s…and as usual Jenny B. smoked the field! That was followed by another round of fun conversation on the roof and a very rainy night. Luckily no holes in the ceiling this year and we mostly all slept through it. As for the wildlife, they live to crow and bark another night – I seem to recall from last year, the rain really puts a damper on there obnoxious traits. Tonight looks to be dry, so wish us luck!
We had a very busy and hot clinic today from 9-2:30. We saw 215 patients with little or no breaks – Dr Bob worked the afternoon and Kez even had to jump in. I think the neighborhood either got the word we were there or realized it was our last day there. Peter and I have seen so many elderly patients, I think we could petition to sit for the Geriatric Boards after this trip. And it is apparent that women in Haiti lie about their age more than American women.

Jeff had another day putting his needed skills to work, improving the guest house –  building shelving and repairing wiring. He also got to experience Port au Prince’s version of Home Depot. He will join us tomorrow morning at Pastor Gerard’s clinic on Delmas 24 – an opportunity to see  his Rachel’s “home away from home” last year. We will be lucky to have our pharmacist back, but Vanessa will surely miss his talents.

We have now enjoyed another tasty Haitian meal of chicken and rice with Creole bean sauce. We are definitely not going hungry and are lucky to have iced drinks and water to enjoy.

We look forward to another cool breezy night outdoors, but sadly it appears the Goose will die tonight. We are already planning her memorial tribute after our return.

As we prepare to turn in tonight, some of us will surely be looking forward to one last  reunion – with Christine tomorrow morning. We will be sure to deliver all the well wishes and prayers that we know our friends from last year are sending her way. We also plan to help her start a business of her own to help support her family.

We are truly looking forward to getting back to Delmas 24 and working with our friends from last year. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as we near the end of our time here.

That is all for tonight. Will send more tomorrow night. Love to all!

The Team