As expected last night, after a return to the cold shower experience and once the lights went out…so did we. We were treated to generator power all night running a fan, which meant I didn’t hear any wildlife except for a lone cricket who apparently took up residence in our bathroom. In fact, I didn’t even stir until after 4 AM. Seriously, no dogs barking, no donkeys braying, no sheep baah-ing  (not sure if that’s actually a word), no bears and believe it or not, I did not hear the first rooster until after 6 o’clock! The chickens must be much smarter on this island paradise…but no less tasty!

Breakfast was served around eight, and we figured we all must have slept nearly ten or more hours; an unusual, but much needed treat. Of course, that was just the first of many. After breakfast, we explored the surrounding area. We saw the orphanage that houses 11 boys from age three to eighteen. We then walked the road to see additional properties owned by Léon, and Grace Ministries of Ile a Vache.  Of course, this was the source of much excitement for us. We walked three different properties and the 3rd was the crown jewel – expansive, gentle slope, open to cooling breezes, direct line of sight to a cell tower (and the excellent connectivity that comes with that), and also some of the best views of the ocean on the island! We are thinking this may be the ideal site for a future medical center to serve a population in great need.


The Team at site #3

After all this walking, we were treated to another first on this trip. Yes, we all loaded into the truck for a ride to the beach just below property #3…it is even  more beautiful standing on the beach and especially more so while swimming in the crystal clear Caribbean waters. Anywhere else in the world this could be the site of a 5-star resort, but today it is our private beach…shared only by our host and several school children that quickly stripped down and joined us for a cooling dip….truly Paradise!


Once refreshed, we returned to the guesthouse for a rest before another ride to see more of the island. First stop, the only medical clinic on the island in the major town of Madame Bernard. It is a government run clinic with one medical doctor from Monday through Thursday, open from 9AM to 3PM. We are told they deliver government provided vaccines for children and participate in the country’s HIV and Malaria treatment programs. However, since they are often without the needed medications or ability to provide needed services, they frequently need to refer patients to clinics on the mainland in Les Cayes. As a result, many patients have ceased seeking care here. The doctor we met says there are maybe 20-30 patients seen each day, which seems quite low with an island population greater than 30,000. The facility is well built and spacious, albeit much underutilized. Hence the need for a truly self sustaining, well managed and fully functioning medical clinic. Enter Léon with Grace Ministries, Nora with CCF, Steve in Buffalo…and yes, hopefully Project Starfish-Haiti. Let us not forget our beloved Vanessa for the serendipitous introduction.


Finally, we toured the eastern side of the island, including the developing airport, a water treatment site and the site of the new school and church that Grace Ministries is building to better serve that area. This organization epitomizes the servant mentality…I think it could be a perfect fit. The ride home provided our fix of gut-wrenching, spleen-pounding travel…especially when riding in the back!

We are now all together enjoying a beverage in the shade on the back porch, sharing many laughs and smelling the delicious odors of dinner. We are a bit more sunned, some of us a bit bruised, but all are definitely excited about what the future holds. As for tonight, there is definitely excellent food, more libation, great stories…will see about sleep, but if the fans are running, it’s looking good for us.

That’s all for now. Please know, your support back home makes all of this possible. Stay tuned for more tomorrow night.

Love to All,

The Team