
Our latest adventures in Haiti

Day 5

Good evening to all on Wednesday night,

Last night after I closed we all had dinner in our room – delicious beef jerky, tuna and crackers, trail mix and cokes. Actually, we were all mostly full from lunch and the snacks hit the spot. So with full bellies we launched into a game of tootsie roll Texas Hold-em and a quick game of bull-$#!t before the lights went out on our little party. We missed you Jenny! Read More

Day 4

Again, a pretty good night sleep for most and the roosters did give us an extra 36 minutes sleep….according to Jil, they sounded off at exactly 4:36 this morning. Read More

Day 3

Last night was remarkably cool after the lights went out and I think Blaud must have had his tonsils out because it was blessedly quiet through most of the night. Or it may have been that the mama grizzly was next door?? Either way, it was a pretty good night’s sleep to a point and nobody awoke to find blood in their urine this morning, though I am not certain there aren’t a few splenic lacerations as yet undiscovered after yesterday’s drive.  Read More

Day 2

Good evening from Jolivert! Last night after I sent the message we were hit by a real deluge for about 30 minutes and everything cooled down nicely allowing everyone to get a good night’s sleep. We awoke early to a very nice breakfast prepared by Michael of St. Joseph’s. Read More

Day 1

Many of us started this 4th installment of our adventures much like some of our previous travels with an at-times treacherous drive to Greensboro, though this time torrential downpours. Thankfully…nobody in the ditch and we all made it to our first stop safely. We enjoyed our now traditional feast at the same Japanese restaurant. This is where the similarities ended though. Read More