Monthly Archives: April 2011

Last Day in Paradise

Good afternoon to all! Last night we were treated to the most beautiful sunset I think we have ever seen here (including last year). The moon was full and high in the sky as the sun was setting over the sea, creating beautiful reds, golds, violets, oranges and a steely blue on the horizon. There was a refreshing breeze and we watched makeshift kites flying alongside the moon. We even enjoyed a bowl of Jiffy Pop together (thank you Jeff and Rachel) while we looked at pictures and already began reminiscing.  Read More

Day 8

Good Evening for the last time from our rooftop oasis in Haiti. Last night was a night of some celebration as we prepared to lose one our members. We enjoyed some beer and wine and fun conversation to the hum of the generator. That’s right – no electricity here for 3 days now. Luckily we have a generator for temporary power. Unfortunately the generator goes off at night and it was sultry to say the least, however no rain. Read More

Day 7

Bon Soir to all! Last night the storm did indeed arrive… and how it rained and thundered. We turned in early and hoped the electricity would come on to at least run the fans….sadly it did not, which made sleep somewhat sticky and difficult, though NOTHING compared to the people we see in clinic every day. It is hard to know how they remain dry or, more likely, begin to dry out after the torrents cease. Read More

Day 6

Last night was very nice. We again enjoyed some good conversation on our rooftop and we all slept quite well. The air was cool and the fans ran nearly through the night. We awoke in anticipation of our return to Pastor Gerard’s and the clinic at Delmas 24. Read More

Day 5

As anticipated, we had a great night last night with a lively game of BS and Tourette’s…and as usual Jenny B. smoked the field! That was followed by another round of fun conversation on the roof and a very rainy night. Luckily no holes in the ceiling this year and we mostly all slept through it. As for the wildlife, they live to crow and bark another night – I seem to recall from last year, the rain really puts a damper on there obnoxious traits. Tonight looks to be dry, so wish us luck! Read More